
Routing in Taxi is used to choose which Transition to choose when a user performs a navigation.

They are defined via the addRoute method, and consist of a regex to run against the current URL, a regex to run against the new URL after the navigation, and the transition to use if matched.

Here are a few examples:

// Transition from a blog page to the homepage
taxi.addRoute('/blog/.*', '', 'blogToHome')

// Transition the homepage to any other page
taxi.addRoute('', '.*', 'fromHome')

// Transition from the about page, to the contact page
taxi.addRoute('/about', '/contact', 'aboutToContact')

Please note: Your regex is wrapped inside ^ and $ automatically, so a regex of /api will match /api but not /v2/api. Keep this in mind when adding routing rules!

Also please note: All trailing slashes are stripped from all URLs before they are matched. This means that / will not match your homepage, but '' or /? will.

They are also run as RegExp so there's no need to escape slashes. 👊

Suck at regular expressions? Start here: RegEx help for newbies

Route Ordering

Routes are tested in the same order they are declared, and as soon as a match is found, that transition is chosen.

Lost? Well consider the following:

// bad
taxi.addRoute('/pages/.*', '', 'somethingElse')
taxi.addRoute('/pages/specific', '', 'something')

// good
taxi.addRoute('/pages/specific', '', 'something')
taxi.addRoute('/pages/.*', '', 'somethingElse')

In the above example, if the user was navigating from /pages/specific to the homepage, only the second example would match and run the "something" transition.

This is because the first example registers the catch-all before the specific rule, so the specific one is never reached.